Monday, September 28, 2015

Week 65: God's Creations + the Plan of Salvation

Dear Friends and Family,
          I just wish all of you could go on a day exchange with me out here in the sticks.  Just to experience what it's like tracting in the dark up everyone's driveways.  It's just hiking the same hill over and over. Actually, I feel bad for the missionaries that never get to have the full tracting experience.  I am serious! That's when you get to know your companion more.  That's where all the  best stories come from.  That's where you get to meet lots of people.  We literally ran into a couple on a dirt road the other night.  We were walking and they were walking and wham!  Haha we ended up looking at the blood moon with them. How cool was that?!
          Last Monday we had a great FHE with Simon and the Kenyon family.  The Kenyon's have 8 kids, coming up on their 9th, so Simon got to experience all aspects of a fun Mormon family.  We taught him the Plan of Salvation.  He told us how he has always felt that earth wasn't his real home and that he had existed before this life.  Well, we have news for you Simon!  One of his friends from school is actually one of the Kenyon girls.  She was so excited the whole lesson!  She couldn't believe that this boy she had been eating lunch with and sitting on the bus with was so prepared for the gospel and in tune with the Spirit. Moral of the story is:  You never know who is prepared.  Always share the gospel and invite people to learn about it. 
          The other thing that we have been dedicating a lot of our time to this week is cleaning.  We had a former investigator who is in the hospital right now.  Some of her neighbors have taken on the project of cleaning her trailer.  It's really bad.  Hasn't been cleaned in years.  As gross as it is, I love being able to do service.  It makes me feel very humble and Christlike to be able to get on my hands and knees and scrub someone's floor.  I love it! 
          As missionaries we get to go to the Stake Center to watch General Conference.  Wasn't the Women's session incredible!?  It was very inspiring for me.  I received loads of revelation to help me know what I need to change to have a successful mission, which is a jump start to a successful life.  I am so blessed.  I am so humbled and grateful to be here.  I absolutely love this work.  I am learning everyday more about my Savior and what He has personally done for me.  If you have ever even considered going on a mission, do it.  Just do it.  You won't regret it.
Con Amor,
Hermana Stoddard

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