Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Week 31: Good ole Edmonds

Dear Friends and Family,

          Has this week been crazy?  Yes
          Have I been stressed out of my mind?  Yes
          Have I had a blast?  Si!
Celestial Light
Sister Barrett & Hermana Stoddard
          It's been so much fun, but so hard this last week!  I love Sister Barrett. We are a lot more similar than my last comp. We actually understand each others jokes so we have had some pretty funny moments already. There are moments already where I forget that she is a greenie and that I am training her. I just feel like equal companions. She is from Logan, UT and she just turned 19 so she graduated from high school and did a semester of college at USU before coming out here. So I am the 'oldie'who is almost 20. Can I just tell you guys how weird that is? It's probably even more weird to my parents!
My Greenie


          So Edmonds is the exact opposite of my other area. IT'S GORGEOUS! In my first area, I didn't understand all the hype about the beauty of Washington, but now I understand. We have a beach in our area and there have been some beautiful sunny days here...now I am considering moving to Washington one day....just a thought. It's a lot quieter, sleepier here. One guy that we met knocking put it as, "The place where old white people come to die."  There are a lot of old people and most of them are milky white. But I feel like a magnet. I think I am finding every single Hispanic that lives in this area! So I have been getting some Spanish practice in!
West Seattle
          Sorry my letters are so short, there is a lot I have to do in this  1 1/2 hours that we have to email but I so appreciate all the emails that I get. I print them out and read them during the week. Love you guys so incredibly much. Write me letters! I have more time to read and write you back than emails!

Week 31 Challenge:
Con Amor,
Forever and always Hermana Stoddard
Just got done tracting during the Superbowl
#peoplehatedus #heardtheseahawkslost #stillafan

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